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Sun, Mar 31


Hietsun Paviljonki

Sound and Image

Compositions by photographer Heikki Tuuli and composer Jon Maury.

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Sound and Image
Sound and Image

Time & Place / Aika ja paikka

Mar 31, 2019, 5:00 PM

Hietsun Paviljonki, Hiekkarannantie 9, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Details / Lisätietoja

What kind of music does a photographer compose? And why? Come and hear the

answer in Hietsun Paviljonki on 31.3.

Heikki Tuuli is a photographer known for his musician portraits and documenting opera

and the classical music scene because music has always been his passion.

"Music has always been an important part of my life - I've been listening

actively for fifty years, from Pergolesi to punk, Profiev to prog. I have been a

photographer for almost forty years and by specializing in classical music I have

combined my profession and passion and it has allowed me to be a part of the musical


I never thought I could make music myself even though I had some ideas. Six years ago

I decided to try to learn to play the piano when I had more time. I eagerly started to

study with my friend Jon Maury but it dindn't go well. I also realized that I really can't hear

the basic things about tonality, I can't tell the minor from the major.

Jon who himself is a composer suggested that since you have some good ideas, why

not compose. When I wondered how I could compose when I can't hear those

harmonies, he said, compose what you hear!

It was such good advice that I started working with Jon's guidance and encouragement.

As a result, in four years I have composed several pieces for piano, percussion and

string quartet, some of which will be heard in the concert.

I have tried to make free-tonal, rhythmically strong chamber music with clear forms –

minimalism and prog influences are probably easy to hear.

Two compositions by my teacher Jon Maury can also be heard."

Heikki Tuuli

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